NEWS 2024

Digital Seal

The Digital Seal is a system for certifying the integrity of a goods transport on trailers, crates, containers, etc. The Digital Seal system is quick and easy to use, has very low costs and a high security index.

The ‘LKeyBT’ system guarantees maximum quality by monitoring several sensors at the same time, and only the correct functioning of all control points allows the insertion of a Digital Seal. During the closing phase, the user has visual confirmation of the correct securing of the load compartment (GREEN LED) only if all the sensors give confirmation of closure, in the correct control sequence and within the timeframe laid down by the protocol.

In the event of incorrect closure (sensor tampered with, malfunctioning, violation of the control procedure), there is a visual alarm of the anomaly (RED LED). Once the ‘green light’ has been obtained, a certified employee can insert the Digital Seal, using the appropriate Mobile APP.

In this case, the date, time, Operator, Digital Seal serial number and locking position will be recorded on the server. Upon arrival, upon unloading, a certified employee will be able to verify the integrity of the seal as originally closed. Furthermore, each time a Digital Seal is verified by an Operator, the date, time, verifying Operator, Digital Seal serial number and verification position are recorded on the server. If during the journey the Digital Seal is broken, on the Mobile APP side, an Alert (Broken Seal) will be displayed, while on the server side the date and time of Digital Seal violation will be displayed. If the Digital Seal has been opened by an ‘authorised’ user via the APP, the user and the location where the Digital Seal was broken will be highlighted.

The portal records any operation carried out by the operators, such as, for example, closure of OK Seal, seal breakage, attempted seal breach, seal verification, attempted system tampering.


Openings historisation
Non-modifiable and non-replicable unique code, protected by high security systems
Redundant servers for maximum performance guarantee
Certification of the uniqueness of the APP User, with exclusive access and notification in case of
attempted multiple access.


In order to certify the correct seal, there must be GSM coverage or WI-FI connection